
The art of dealing with teenagers

Have characterized the adolescent at this stage Balaatdad opinion has to go beyond the feeling that the whole society are wrong if stood against their wishes.Some parents may not know the best way to deal with the adolescent and increase the burden of his concerns or is it more than they have. Parents should be particularly concerned with and deal with a teenager from the professors and the community in general as well as find out how to deal with the teenager and the correct way to do so.
How to deal with a teenager?
There are four requirements for a teenager 1 - need for adolescent-assessment and strengthening Alajabaat and the concentration of achievements 2 - love and belonging through express positive emotions through words and behaviors and gifts .. etc. 3 - Freedom by giving an opportunity for dialogue and it shows him and Ivred and mis acceptable and not sin and be held accountable the mis but still love the person for the same. 4 - recreation and entertainment and its participation in the life and alleviate the pressure upon
Is linked to teen age specific?
Adolescence according to international classification begins at the age of thirteen to twenty-first, but there are girls or young people may not take teens with more than two years a and less and some may remain adolescents until the age of fifty, and it depends on the environment, education and area of ​​freedom, morality and religion and responsibility

Control of the Son in the House Is a teenager?
Through the psychological development of adolescents appear to have features of stubbornness and the desire of independence, and these signs of maturity, provided that improve the art of dealing with him so as not to become stubborn satisfactory.
Marks the beginning of adolescence and the most prominent characteristics of mental and physical health?

What concerns me is the psychological characteristics, including: 1 intellectual growth as it becomes teenager explains things at whim, regardless of whether it is right or wrong. 2 stubbornness and independence. 3 concentration on the self and preoccupation with body image example: stand in front of women for long hours. 4 language development, and much talk and talk. 5 emotional growth such as increased sensitivity, jealousy and the desire to increase the path of love has driven the wrong way to a friend or a school. 6 social growth and vulnerability Bclh and perceptions, even if not convinced of their ideas.
Highlighted the problems and behavioral challenges in the life of teenager?
Highlighted the problems and behavioral challenges in the life of the adolescent: First: emotional problems: admiration, love, anxiety, and depression. Second, sexual problems: on top of masturbation. Third, behavioral problems: stubbornness and rebellion of patients + addiction to cigarettes, drinking a gate of evil. Fourth, the problems of study: academic Sarhan and delays
I was born introvert on the same lot, antisocial, I'm afraid a lot of it to continue on this situation and thanked Dr.
Introvert may be due to the manifestations of change, psychological teenager, and may be due to education firm or a critic or a sponsor, or task, and diagnosis was it your son these characteristics even childhood, it is significant that the issue is educational and you need to re-evaluate the way in education, but if it occurs during adolescence it may be due to changes cause mental and physical health of the adolescent.

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